Recently, more and more often become involved in the topics of self-development and time management. I read a lot of inspirational posts, articles and thoughts, everything I immensely enjoyed it, and I-I could no longer wait to learn three new languages at once, and make some new courses. Only later I wondered, and calmed down.
I do not need to know how to everything. per No need to perfectly manage your time, do not need that other people told me what to do with him. Sometimes I want to waste it and watching stupid TV series with TŻtem, knowing that it is totally unproductive time. I do it ;)
Once I wanted to be able to everything. That there since the child was with me a perfectionist. Eternally top ratings, always well organized, always tried to be the largest per and one does not disappoint. In fact, very little of this, however, I came: instead of focusing on priorities and choose something that I would like to specialize, I could a little bit of everything. So in fact I did not know well on anything ;) It occurred to me:
Only recently has a little calmed down and thought about deeply, why and what should I do, in what areas should be developed. Gave me a lot of the current two months off from work, which I tried to use, wondering what I strive at all where I'm going. I finished college, and so the time has come to set new goals and think about who I want to be in life and what I have to do to achieve it. Everyone has their own definition of success, you can not copy from anyone. You do not have to do what others have.
Only the honest answer to this question, you know what you should do and what areas to develop. For example, once I wanted to learn Italian. After thinking the subject understood, however, that detailed a long writing when I learn a few new words, and when the grammar does not make sense. And why? Therefore, this Italian in no way be able to help me in achieving my goals and this state, which defined what success.
Only actions that you take to your individual success achieved, in my opinion, can be called a real self-development. Only those courses and the steps we take every day to get closer to your goals. It makes no sense to learn anything (except that in life you get bored, because I've achieved your success and you can not afford such unproductive activities). You need to learn what will bring us closer to achieving the objectives.
Only one thing. I personally do not like when you impose yourself in advance what to do particular day. I have a set of actions and things we should do, and that bring me to an end. Choose one or two things from each category of self-development and doing them. Only so much, but at the same time so much. Because I know what I'm doing, and what it will give me. And I know that with the fact that I'm doing this, approach the steps by step to the date on which attain their goals, and I realized man (not to be confused with happy.'m Already happy:>).
And now's answer yourself per honestly to the question: how much have those days where we do something for the future "me"? And how have those days that you just can be considered wasted because we did not have anything in particular, skupiałyśmy only on the following day or we studied what we in any way to the success per of no use?
For me these days it was a lot. From two months trying, however, that there were fewer and fewer. I have my own definition of success, I have a list of things and skills they need to do and learn in order to achieve this success (specific, well-defined time-bound objectives). It remains only to take up sharply to work :)
I is not about to be zaharować to death by doing pierdylion items daily. If you want a looser evening with a book or stupid the show, the site the evening. Striving to achieve the objectives should also be fun to, not only the day on which it will achieve.
Hey, thanks for visiting my blog! If you have something to add, something you do not agree, or just want to express your opinion on this entry, go ahead and leave a comment in the box below. I love fruitful discussions :) to all comments and questions will try to answer the post to which they relate. And I forgot, please per send me an email reminder per :)
Great post :) Sam know each other, we can not be good at everything. I have a friend who is too ambitious and can not even pinpoint what it wants to do in the future. She luckily I'm pretty 'determined', I know what I do best and focus on that for a few years. I hope that the world will hear more about me and see my work :) Regards per :) Reply Delete
life is tragic per perfectionists per ;) at the primary per and junior high school I was still in everything 'most' (of course, except the hated WUE