In a world of so much unknown, wonderful, unusual and alluring. Miracle of miracles - it's not only buildings, but entire streets, cities and even states. Miracle of miracles can be very large, as the building giants, or as small as a mini principality. In a world far more than seven or eight wonders of the world, because in every city you can find something unique, unlike the existing facilities in other cities. Wonders of the world can be a great excuse to travel. Why go to a place on the streets who have been through many times, if a better view of the falling buildings, building robots, humpback and dancing at home ?! The Principality of Monaco
This miracle of miracles, axe as Monaco axe is famous not only because it is the smallest axe state in the world, whose area is 1.95 km 2. Monaco is located on the Mediterranean coast, adjacent to it, more precisely, around him, the territory of France. In the principality includes four cities. Among them, Monaco, is the capital, La Condamine, Monte Carlo and Fontvieille. According to legend, Monaco was founded by Hercules, who, returning from Spain, decided to land on this side. Hercules and built the first building. As the one of the legends, the original city was called Portus Hercules Monoyki. Unusual street
Whoever may think that air conditioners can cool not room, and the whole street. Street with air conditioning - is the next miracle of miracles. The street is located in the Spanish town called Badajoz. Air conditioning is a tube with a mini-holes through which water is sprayed under a certain pressure. Due to the tubes with water Menacho street can be cooled to 15 0 C. So for those who like to relax and do shopping at the same time, the Spanish street fits perfectly, because here the temperature never reaches the normal figure axe for Spain in 40 0 C. Facilities as giant size
The most enormous building in the world was considered once Sears Tower, which numbered 110 floors, then walked Pyugyong Hotel, located in North Korea, the building consists of 105 floors. The next adjustment is a well-known New York City Empire State Building with 102 floors. Taiwan is an international financial center called Taipei, which is 101 floor. Last on the list is John Hancock Centre in Chicago axe with a hundred floors. And tops the list of most recently built miracle of miracles - Tower of Dubai, the business center located in the United Arab Emirates. Tower Dubai or Burj Khalifa, has 155 floors, for which he recorded in the Guinness Book of Records. Houses Ripley axe
Houses Ripley axe - a building constructed in an unusual style. Such houses in all the world, there are 29 pieces. The peculiarity of these houses - also in an unusual inscription which hangs over every house. She says: Believe it or check. One of the most characteristic buildings Ripley is located in Florida, in Orlando. Feature of this building is curved walls and crack, which squinted one part of the building. It seems a miracle survivor axe home after a serious axe earthquake. By the way, this building is devoted to just the same earthquake that occurred in 1812. The earthquake was 8 points. Dancing and hunchbacked house
Dancing House - a landmark of the city of Prague. Construction characterizes the end of the XX century. Living in Prague called this building glass, but more than the original version is called "Ginger and Fred", axe which is associated with the names of great dancers Ginger Rogers and Fred Astaire. One part of the building is similar to the figure of a woman in a flowing dress, and the other - the male in the cylinder. Humpback house belongs to the modern buildings, the house was built in 2004 in the town of Sopot, in Poland. axe The facade of the building as it is pushed inward in different places, looks like a frozen cartoon. The house serves as an additional axe part of the shopping center.
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