Thursday, June 12, 2014

I love my Ukraine. I am 25 years old, my eldest son and my daughter 6 3 years from now but already

BBC BBC wants to know the opinion of people from Ukraine, we treat the invasion of the territory of Ukraine. Do we want Russia to have occupied? Write on your mind. This is important! Otherwise, the Russian media will continue to impose its terrible propaganda. World opinion is very important! If you have the desire, time and skill - write letters to deployed large - if not, send a brief concise thesis about your relationship to occupation. Enter the title of the letter Ukraine . "Are you in Ukraine? What is your reaction to this news of Russian troop deployment? Email us at adding 'Ukraine' in the subject heading and including toilette your contact details". Soul Ukrayntsa | Ukraine | VKadri - video catalog BBC, Crimea, Ukraine, Russia, the occupiers
Assessed: Sviatoslav LEVIN, Michael Shmorgun Maxim Tatarchenko, Zachary Podkydyshev Extend: OpenID () Facebook () Twitter () Google + extended: Gamal Igor, Svyatoslav toilette LEVIN, Michael Shmorgun, Elena Kravchenko
I am with Kiev. All proyshodylo something proyshodyt in the country and lead me in horror and shock. I think that all of bedы of Ukraine under Putin. Only On everybody vynovat mo. Yanukovych simply ego Peshka through him and ruled on nashej stranoy toilette notwithstanding own way. This is a tyrant and freak Hitler nasheho TIME Kotor is a little toilette little of money, a little ego teryttoryy toilette country, few people kotorыh doyt As it is possible to cow, To Pocket dobavlyalos myllyardov. What else rabies?? Our Country Very neschastnaya, îíà umyraet, people shouted boleet and medytsыna on nule people toilette umyrayut, work lyudem view, very poly people are rabotayut, round, plastic liars and extortioner. In general live within this the country is not it possible, in the heart razrыvaetsya toilette me for my people, If You Can Help us, I umolyayu, even though it is kak, even though something else. Thank you.
I love my Ukraine. I am 25 years old, my eldest son and my daughter 6 3 years from now but already I teach them that they are Ukrainian and children of his country, his only and is not dependent Ukraine. I want my children to live freely, breathe freely and not fear war. I love the region, like the people who live there and I think that they are my brothers. I do not mean that they and their children live in fear because of the presence there of the military. Dear Mr Putin, I beg you, I implore you!! Leave us alone, we are united and friendly toilette people. We do not need your protection!!
Mne 24 year I have a Son in emu Only 2 hodyka else, and I pray God Each day something áû My baby will not have seen эtoy voynы.Nasha power than one hour living for themselves and for us not schytala lyudey.Yanukovych put themselves at Golden bidet Volume something in our the country as poly kotorыm needy children of patients delati operatsyy Abroad and Parents with our salary does not allow me эtoho mogut itself, zato in him tselыe car parks with rarytetnыmy machines ... I'm everything rolled back something our people rose up from bezzakonyya nashej vlasty.Hotya in Russia and ãîâîðÿò something we nelehatyvnaya power but this is not so!! Utensils dumplings something im ostavalos delati If our president sbezhal.Ostavyt to countries without power and start up áû tsaryl polnыy chaos?? And This is all not true something is impossible we razhovaryvat in Russian language, so someone wants and How We razhovaryvaet each other perfectly ponymaem.Y not tired nykoho not from whom we shall save Between them all well!! I ask you PREKRATYTE This is shown in ALL TO WHOM NOT the First SDALY nerves AND NOT BE NACHALAS POPRAVYMOE.SPASYBO
I was born in Point and 10 years living there. Until recently TIME I schytala Russia the Great stranoy. But after poslednyh trehmesyachnыh of events HORZHUS TEM WHAT I LIVE IN UKRAINE AND YMEYU Ukrainskaia citizenship!! Ukrainian people - great people in Kotor, I veryu, and a lot svetloe future. Want to say voennыm Ukrainian in Crimea: I horzhus you very much for your predannost, vыderzhu toilette and terpenye!! GLORY GLORY UKRAINE HAS Heroes toilette
We want peace. But for that we need not Russia!!! Crimea - a Ukraine and Russia has no right under the slogan devised Russian-pressed toilette to enter his army. People and so are trying to rebuild the country after the dark days of February and now again this tension. People in the Crimea scared! Because there are many Russian military!!!
My name Volodymyr.Meni 41 rik.Narodyvsya I in Kovel, Volyn that, but that's 7 years live in the Kiev region. The father of my Ukrainian, have Rossiyanka and I never shared rossiyan ukrayintsiv.Dlya and I both languages are native. It struck me more is what is happening in the Crimea, the way Putin justifies input voyenyzovanyh groups (Already globe clear that this Russian viyskovi part). Allegedly toilette threatened rossiyskomu toilette and rossiyskomovnomu Crimean population of far-right organizations in western Ukraine and the violation of their right to communicate native toilette movoyu.Takoyi lie I have not heard. I have most of his life in Volhynia and never, I repeat - never, never heard or seen what Russian or rosiyskomovna man suffered only because it speaks of the Russian! Nobody ever prohibited in Ukraine to study in Russian-language schools and other educational institutions (sa

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