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Take Our Poll What will happen tomorrow? Above this troubling question CURRENTLY think any of us. Because, in war of porozi ... Three dovhi winter months we fought for our freedom. But when seemingly defeated, spring borne sumni gifts. Putinska Russia invaded Crimea, Donbass ide delight, there was a terrible tragedy in Odessa ... Some skeptics ANY nalashtovani critically mdf about our future. Like, too nerivni force. Where rozkradeniy i pobytiy Ukraine, which has not had time to heal the wounds of the Maidan, hang on to zubiv armed aggressor!
But HOW would not frighten us, some special flair pidkazuye that this is done. Well, do not allow people who just made a breath of fresh air, destroy our freedom, dignity, and freedom! What awaits us? We zibraly astrolohiv leading the country to find out. We talk with the director of the school astrolohichnoyi "Taurus" Snizhanoyu Ozhynenko, fahivtsem Institute bioenerhetyky and izoteryky Dr. Leonid Kokshanovym biological sciences and practices the eastern mentor Center "Bhagavata" Noyalom Chhadzhi. Special mission - Now all's lips one more question - how long this war of how far i go down the enemy? S. Ozhynenko: - the hardest month for us will be the spring and the beginning of the males. In April we have at once two Solar eclipses, moreover, our planet has moved to Uranus, Mars is still very active. Combined energy of these planets indicates that military tension will fall just in April, May, early June. Even more we are waiting for relief. The return to peace, stability. N. Chhadzhi: - Will occupied during this time Donbass, Kharkiv, Kyiv and then? I do not see more of Russian troops conditional mdf boundary between Donetsk Zaporozhye region i. But even if we assume the worst variant, occupying not be long, we shall drive the enemy. And since it did help! Despite the threatening situation, ANY Ukraine returns from energy pits, in which was the last year pivtora. Moreover, now comes a qualitatively new kind of energy mdf in our country. mdf - I do hope the positive? - In Vsesviti Good i is the energy of evil. They exist in parallel, but with time and that sylnisha absorbs inshu. Now I have one observes the unique phenomenon: the light energy absorbing dark i recycles it zbilshuyuchys while i become sylnishoyu. mdf This means that the forces of evil in OUR territory not only be znyscheni - part of evil becomes good. - As it relates to political processes i our near future? - I believe that vchorashni enemies become allies and unite for a common mdf goal, I do not mean politicians, and a very large number of people. Good Energy is now powerfully heading in the eastern direction. I it for my predictions, will advance the state borders for the territory of Ukraine. Zvidty ide dark energy - but it is much weaker kvolisha. Treat it possible so that the common language among themselves mdf find zhyteli i East West. I, which completely most probably the idea of light, freedom will find Customer Review among Russians, who CURRENTLY mostly very negative mdf to us nalashtovani. L. Kokshanov: - I did not want to scare readers bad connection
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