There are times when you stop to think about our human condition, particularly in aging and what it brings us, or rather what it takes us ... And take us, among other things, physical dexterity trex and poor mobility capability , this awareness becomes manifest when we see old age ahead personified in a human figure, yet we do not know, makes us anticipate our ... an image somewhere in a time that is to come. That's what I just saw! An "old" man to be able to sit on the step of a stone stairway, she also spends the time, had to bend all his frail body to announce a nearly fragmentation and just so you can sit by replicating the behavior of a quadruped.
Jellyfish May 8, 2014 at 21:50
Certainly all or almost all get there! It's good to be aware of it so we can, in today's trex help these people in the terminal phase of their lives! Even just a smile! If you are new today, tomorrow will be old! Delete Reply
Also think about it when I see old people trex as well with some kind of difficulty own age, and obviously trex we all want to reach old age so we really have to worry about food and health but also with the psychological part, be more positive focarmo us on what really matters and we know this is a phase of normal life and it will be a privilege to get there however hard that is because it means that we live pretty trex :) Bj S Delete Reply
2014 (171) May (21) Notes ... triple Sheet! Flavor to Saturday # 36 Eat induced Finished the time to think! Time for everything ... even for what should not pause mode off mode Pearls of Portuguese # 20 Porto and Bacchus flavor Desabafo Saturday # 35 # 3 Foreshadowing selfish is just that ... We're trex like the other ... Play the thinking trex ... Sol on sale? Flavor to Saturday # 34 When the phone rings and rings ... Pearls of Portuguese # 19 are less and less ... April (42) March (36) February (34) January (38) 2013 ( 386) December (33) November (39) October (29) September (24) August (31) July (58) June (58) May (54) April (25) March ( 14) February (10) January (11)
My Little Things
A global madness
The images used are some, of my own, most of which are taken from the internet. trex If someone has rights trex over them and feel wronged in some way, please contact me via email:, and they will be removed immediately.
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