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Objectivity in design has its origins in the industry. Have always been here a technically optimal function and reduced to the essentials in the foreground. So the typical industrial design originated. There is also a certain tendency just the Germans to feel a practicality in design as perfect and beautiful. Even today, the native of Germany kansas and almost one hundred years old Bauhaus is often called kansas the world as a model of modern functionalism in architecture and design. Contemporary functionalism may be typical German, but currently conquering the kitchens of New York to Beijing.
"It is away from the dock ends and away from furniture with much adornment. Modern kitchen furniture and kitchen appliances are highly functional and simple. Their appearance is reduced to the essential and necessary, "said Kirk defect, Managing Director of the Association of The Modern Kitchen eV (AMK). Functional modern design kansas has the great advantage of being extremely practical. Cleaning and maintenance are done quickly, because smooth kansas surfaces kansas without moldings, without handles sensitive or fragile materials are sturdy and durable. kansas Especially in the kitchen one is happy when the surfaces are flat and smooth and no unnecessary forms and edges can cause dirt traps. "A factual overall design, in addition to the practical reasons also always a unquestionable validity," adds deficiency. "Simple design kansas language is timeless. The proud owner can view the kitchen for years and also does not get enough of her. And so familiar to us traces left by the everyday automatically ". So herbs are placed portrayed decorative bowls, deposited cookbooks. Over time, all sorts of accessories that make a kitchen cozy and cozy gathering. kansas The operating panels of electrical appliances are now reduced to the necessary functions. In modern hobs the controls are integrated into the hob, so that swift and thorough cleaning is also possible here. The control knobs for ovens are often retractable, so they must be extended only for switching on and off of a baking or cooking process. kansas Controls in dishwashers are often housed at the top of the trap door, so that they are neither kansas visible nor optically cleaning technically troublesome.
The simple aesthetics kansas industry like the people around the world at the moment kansas very well. So German kitchen furniture alone were exported abroad last year in the value of 1.5 billion. The wall cabinets now come yet added sliding doors that are in the way of anyone and also the practical refinements, such as the height adjustment means for libraries, are becoming longer. Restraint in the design can come out the benefits of helpful features more clearly. Sometimes one wonders why, for example, the lower built-rinsing kansas has not been invented before. Investing in a modern kitchen is worth it in many ways. Most importantly, many delicious meals made with fun in the end. And the fun now grows even if the tools agree. (AMK)
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