Thursday, August 7, 2014

Wasserverdrngung standard 39,116 t 48,309 t Einsatzverdrngung length. a 247.85 m Width 33,00 m Drau

The Richelieu was on 22 October 1935, at the Arsenale de Brest to Kiel, the launch took place on 17 January 1939 and the completion on June 15, 1940 The ship was Externally very similar to the Dunkerque class, which also two Vierlingstrme had as main artillery before the bridge. It should be built originally four ships of this class, three were laid down, but only completed the Jean Bart after the war. Even during zero punctuation the construction of the means artillery was reduced. Instead of five towers were built by omitting the lateral towers only three and so allows a Verstrkung flak to six 10 cm double carriages.
The ship was laid directly upon completion to Dakar and damaged there by aircraft of HMS Hermes by a torpedo. On 23 and 25.9.1940 battle zero punctuation with HMS Resolution. The first battle zero punctuation explosion in Tower 2, in the second battle will receive two 38 cm results. Subsequently she joined the Allies, and remained in North Africa. From January to October 1943 Large yard time spent in the United States zero punctuation at the Brooklyn Navy Yard.
There she received Geschtze of her sister ship Jean Bart for the zerstrten by the explosion own. In addition to new Flak was also U.S. radar on board, was later supplemented by crop of British origin. By the end of February 1944 at the British zero punctuation Home Fleet with operations against the Norwegian coast. Thereafter, zero punctuation the British Eastern Fleet in the Indian Ocean. From October 1944 to overhaul to Gibraltar. Then again Mar 1945 in the Far East. After the war, visit Tourism and use as a training ship. 1958 placed in reserve. 1968 sold for demolition.
Wasserverdrngung standard 39,116 t 48,309 t Einsatzverdrngung length. a 247.85 m Width 33,00 m Draught 9,63 m medium drive 150,000 zero punctuation WPS on 4 shafts for 30 knots Armament (originally). 2x4 3x3 38 cm 15.2 cm (max 90 Rohrerh. increase) 8x2 3.7 cm Flak, 2x4 13.2 mm 3 board aircraft, two catapults Later: additionally 6x2 10.0 cm; 8x4 for advertising purposes 4x8,8 cm off the Hauptgeschtze 13.2 mm shipyard After time spent in the United States: development of aircraft system and the 3.7 cm Flak 40 mm 14x4 14-50x1 20 mm
Hi Mold belongs to the established and has long been on the market small batch manufacturers. zero punctuation The company has devoted predominantly to the production of units of the jap. Navy. Luckily the Richelieu belongs to the exceptions.
The models of Hi Hold despite production since the mid-90s stand unchanged by a very good quality and a vernnftiges price-performance ratio. Even when this is the case Richelieu. The resin parts are cast extremely zero punctuation clean, so very little rework will be necessary. There are also no visible air bubbles.
The assembly of the parts does not cause any big problems, but of course zero punctuation small grinding work is inevitable. For the painting I have decided for the camouflage right after the overhaul in the Navy Yard New York in September 1943. The camouflage was done with the colors zero punctuation no. Revell 79 (medium gray) and 144 of Humbrol (light gray). The deck I Humbrol (medium gray) and no. Revell 79 (Dark Grey) painted in gray no. 27. The rust aging was carried out with the color of Humbrol 62.
The biggest challenge was the merging of the Grautne of the medium to the light gray in constantly different Ausprgungen. The railing and ladders I've supplemented by Toms. The crew comes from Eduard. The towers I built from aluminum itself, including the rigging and flagging.
I am very pleased with the finished camouflaged model. The model I was on E-bay for 105, - Euro acquire - US $ 90 or just under. At this time, Richelieu was not produced in Japan and my joy was great. The Richelieu is and remains one of my dream models and is only produced by Hi-Mold. It is a must for every lover of the queen. Fleet. My nchstes project in the state in 1943, the French. Trger Jofre of IHP with the assumption that this with the Richelieu is serving in the Pacific. Thank you for the pictures of Martin Kohring.
Modellers profile Andre Steckel

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