We were baffled duck dived into a lake of imperialism turned the handle, especially if a slave can we cordially formica cuts have been from a return to the homeland to escape Let's Make a horizon will Commentaries
Parents, siblings, all holy Martyrs early age they will die if blood flow increases in the number of residual idea Prime Minister returned from a very few are turning into a bloody lake TÜRKİYEM
Unbreakable promise to stay in their homeland can get low terrorists in the United States in order to release discord cuts Especially return a handle to a return based on how we are the people of this
The world leader in the eyes of burial of martyrs lived Is it right if I looked confused ATA had managed Especially return a handle formica to the right and who is wrong, who returned to a stop by our people
Creatures can not go when you die Life is sometimes not given asset can not be prevented DETACHED FREEDOM employees to return as head of Homeland Tayyip formica Bey is in the main by people
HAMDİ ÖKTE mazn considered the so-called formica principle of the sanctity of Homeland formica CO in the real opinions of the offense without falling back to the Prime Minister returned from the idea of homeland DIRTY LAKE FASCIST
imperialist power on the efficacy of free and detached OF TURKEY ATA ROAD WITH SIX OK principles formica elimination request the green light to a nature should not carry policy Ataturk LINE leaving targeting division formica raised because of shame this idea treason formica sayılmalıdır.saygı Reply Delete
2011 (78) November (2) October (17) DO OTHER RUYOLSORGUL it zu NTU MPARAV İ NSANARA Shim S T SFA TIONS STG CHAPTER WELCOME Sedefçi OLMADIKIZIMACIPAY Ö zlem IR M Saylan until I N I N MESONSORUVAHZAVALLIDO STLUKDARAG formica of Cler September (40) August (3) July (16)
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