Saturday, November 15, 2014

Pyrantel against parasites causing paralysis due to excessive muscle spasms, exaggerated like when

Primperan is a drug which consists in the chemistry, trap pharmacology and therapy of i, the active ingredient trap is Metoclopramide. Metoclopramide is a derivative of para-aminobenzoic acid, procainamide similar chemical groups, but the effect is very weak local anastetika, and almost no effect on the myocardium. Metoclopramide HCl is odorless, white crystalline powder. Have a nature sensitive to light and should be kept in a light-tight, and the room temperature. Metoclopramide tablets should be stored trap tightly in the box (Plumb, trap 1998).
Pharmacological effects of Metoclopramide is working in the gastrointestinal tract and CNS. In the gastrointestinal tract without metoclopramide increase gastrointestinal motility stimulating gastrium, pancreas and bile secretion. In the CNS, dopamine antagonist metoclopramide as a real, anti-emetic trap center, blocking dopamine in the chemo-receptor trigger zone, extrapyrimidal, and the stimulatory effect of prolactin (Plumb, 1998).
Compositions for injection 5 mg / ml, tablet 10 mg / ml, the dose for dogs and cats 0.5-1 mg / kg given im, sc, po or 1-2 mg / kg given iv (Tennant, 2002). In dogs "Monza" is given as much as primperan 10 mg tablets given twice daily. Giving primperan dihentkan on the 6th day of treatment, after the dog does not vomit anymore.
Pyrantel were initially used as an anthelmintic sheep in 1966, is now quite extensive coverage anthelmentiknya properties, both in terms of sensitive species trap of worms, and mammals that can be treated with pyrantel. Pyrantel currently marketed in the form of salts, tartrate, pamoate and embonat. These salts form dense, relatively trap stable in storage, although that is a liquid when exposed to sunlight will experience trap fotoisomerasi, which no longer has the potential as an anthelmintic (Ganiswara, 1995).
In the single-hull animals pyrantel immediately absorbed after administration. Peak plasma levels achieved in 2-3 hours. After entering the body immediately dimetabolismekan and pyrantel in pyrantel urinary compounds trap not found intact. Which is excreted through the urine up to 40%. Pyrantel pamoate salt are difficult to dissolve in water, and it is very advantageous to kill the worms that live in the posterior part of the intestine (Ganiswara, 1995).
Pyrantel against parasites causing paralysis due to excessive muscle spasms, exaggerated like when acetylcholine was given to the worm. Chemoreceptors located in the carotid bodies and aortic-ganglion trap autonomic ganglia, adrenal glands and the neuromuscular junction stimulated continuously until resulting in paralysis (nicotine-like effect). Effect of contractile muscles pyrantel worm by an estimated 100 times greater than acetylcholine. When acetylcholine effects are reversible, is not the case with the effect of pyrantel. Pyrantel trap dosage used is not recommended for the weak animals. The use of pyrantel together with insecticides, tranquilizers, muscle relaxan, and central nervous system depressant is not an impediment in practice trap (Ganiswara, 1995).
Kaolin and pectin are given as coating the intestinal wall, exactly as adsorbent that absorbs toxins and bacteria trap in the digestive tract. trap Kaolin is a naturally occurring aluminum trap silicate Hydrat of shaped luminous white powder, odorless, which in reality is not soluble in the (in) water. Pectin is a carbohydrate polymer composed of partially methoxylated polygalacturonic-acids. Yellowish-white, almost odorless with a mucilagenous, obtained from the bark of citrus / fruit inside or from apple pomace. One gram of soluble pectin in 20 ml of water in a glue solution (Plumb, 1998).
Pharmacology of kaolin / pectin is affecting adsorbent and absorbs toxins trap and bacteria in the digestive tract, the gastrointestinal mucosa acts to protect exile. Pectin components of acid formation trap galcturonic, intended to reduce the pH of the intestinal lumen. The dosage in dogs for the treatment of diarrhea is of 1-2 ml / kg PO repeated every 4-6 hours (Plumb, 1998). In the treatment of diarrhea Dog "Monza" Kaolin Pectin is given as a teaspoon, four times a day. Giving Kaolin Pectin discontinued on day 5 after not showing diarrhea again.
Each ml contains vitamin A (50,000 IU), D3 (10,000 IU), E (10 IU), B1 (2.5 mg), B6 (1.5 mg), PP (17.5 mg), K3 ( 1.5 mg), C (25 mg). Injectavit used for patients who are experiencing stress due to infection, transport, dietary changes, pregnancy, and after the parasite infection. It is also used to cope with growth disorders, nervousness, skin diseases, breeding programs, and weak animals.
Injectavit given because they contain important supplement, he ntaranya: vitamin A that berf

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