Wednesday, January 7, 2015

How to remove mold from the tissues - Looking for information to be able to remove the irritating m

How to remove mold from the tissues - Looking for information to be able to remove the irritating mold that has been created on your fabrics? tile Mold in the home is a problem that plagues many people: tile these multicellular fungi that reproduce by means of spores, in the form of black or green and affect - as well as the walls and various objects of the house - even the clothes we wear. What to do, then? Here are some valuable and simple tips on how to eliminate successfully mold from the tissues.
How to remove mold from the tissues? Mold, unfortunately, does not spare even the clothes in our closets, which are white or colored, and of any material. How to do so? To eliminate the annoying mildew stains from our tissues, there are some effective natural remedies you can put into practice. First of all, if the problem is present on colored fabrics, sprinkle salt on the spots concerned; Then, take the Marseille soap to moisten and rub salt on the stain in question. Once that is done, wait for it to dry and the next day, wash normally. As for the white fabrics, instead, pour dell 'hydrogen peroxide on the stain and close the head in a plastic bag for the duration of one day; later, there will only have to wash everything normally at a high temperature. Alternatively, you can fill a bowl with boiling water, the salt - about 4 tablespoons - and hydrogen peroxide: Cover the bowl with plastic wrap and let it all that way for a day, then, wash later .
Remember, however, that if the musty smell persists, you can find a good solution in vinegar diluted in 3 liters of water, where you have to soak the tissue throughout the night; washed, then, all the next day. Do not forget, finally, to put into practice some preventive measures to combat the formation tile of mold, for example, keep the blinds open during tile the day; airy rooms for 5 minutes a day; used a bowl of plaster that absorbs tile excess moisture - in addition to a dehumidifier - and so on.
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