Thursday, April 9, 2015

Sarah restricted Her female cafe talking about the project, which was a successful and popular clas

Asks the number of inhabitants and visitors of Jeddah for the secret few reserved for women cafes although many of them would wear such sites their children do not find the privacy and comfort. Hopes women and girls create more cafes that cater to their desires and to ensure their privacy harmonized with tradition, as They pointed out that the experience of creation of a special women's and ladies cafes encountered tremendous success in some areas of the UK which requires dissemination of experience in the city of Jeddah, which receives the seasons large number of tourists from inside and outside the country.
Speakers They explained that women cafes closed appoint women to privacy and away from curious eyes and protected from hazing and harassment that has encountered in some public cafes, They pointed out that there are many who considered the presence of girls in cafes improper and it is limited to young people or families.
Sarah restricted Her female cafe talking about the project, which was a successful and popular clas ohlson with girls and women as it allows women to enjoy full privacy given that some slides rejects the presence of women in public cafes, so the women's cafes are considered appropriate and required women's choice, is Sarah restricted the lack of such investments back the lack of awareness of investors feasibility.
For his part, Chairman of the Young Businessmen in Jeddah Chamber clas ohlson Mohamed Alswelh said that the reason behind the non-proliferation of such investments in the city of Jeddah due to the financial returns If found demand from consumers and thus financial returns surely clas ohlson find demand from investors. The success of such cafes depends on several aspects such as the type of services provided and the quality of service and products and the ability of society to the idea, such as The city of Jeddah experiencing diverse population than any city so some successful experiences in other regions may not succeed in Jeddah.
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