Tuesday, July 15, 2014

In Zadar hospital, where black widows current maximum, they said that while fear is justified, beca

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Black Widow is one of the best known and most dangerous spiders in the world. It belongs to the family Theridiidae, close relatives of the family Latrodectus are found in virtually all continents. In our near black widow settled in Istria, the Croatian Littoral, in Dalmaciiji and Bosnia and Herzegovina. How to recognize vinci a black widow?
Although because the name itself is dominated by the view that the only black widow black, you can actually color varies all the way to white. Much more reliable a hallmark of the adult spider with red spots at the rear, which can be up to 17, and happens to be what it is without vinci any spots. Interactions vary in different shape and distribution of the spots whose color varies depending on their age. When the black widows still young, have white spots when they grow older, it starts to spread from the middle of an orange color. This is gradually expanding and becoming increasingly dark - all the way to the red hue. In adult female freckles are completely red in males remain white ring. Females are also significantly higher than males grow is up to 1-2 inches, while males reach a size of only between 3 and 5 millimeters. vinci How strong is the venom of black widow?
Black Widow is between 0.02 - 0.03 mg of dried venom. The venom is a clear liquid that contains toksalbumine and lipoproteie, the risk of poisoning depends on the time of year. In winter, the black widow is less dangerous because the cold poison converted into acid. The venom of the black widow did as much as 15 times more potent than rattlesnake bite, the stronger the poison also has the cobras, the adder and the vast majority of other poisonous snakes. How to recognize a black widow bite?
To begin with let us say that in the venom of black widow most sensitive cats, rats and mice, as well as horses, moderately sensitive people are to dogs but the poison does not work in humans poison affects the central nervous system and quickly spreads through the body. Pain are reportedly those who are already black widow bite, unimaginably powerful.
"When I came home from mowing grass, I went to sleep. I could not sleep because vinci I was terribly began to ache in my chest, vinci and back. I had a two painkillers, but did not help. in the end I went to the emergency room and get out there against poison, "
Wikipedia states that the bite of the black widow man felt severe pain in the lymph nodes, appears dehydration, excessive sweating, cramps, pain in all parts of the body, heart beating faster, body temperature rapidly rises or falls, it falls well as body weight. The next day, the pain moves to the leg, affected the feeling that his legs are on fire. What to do if bitten by a black widow?
If you still have in mind the process of film when ranjencu undertake the affected limb, cut into the skin over the bite and suck out the poison to immediately forget. Not only that, when bites and poisonous spiders and snakes is not doing more, but it can be such a "supply" bite even very dangerous. It is best to try and calm, so it does not promote blood flow, and promptly vinci seek medical vinci help, especially before going to protect nature with insect repellent. The best antidote to the bite of the black widow is a combination of calcium antidote to running 10-20 minutes later, after three hours, the affected already felt a great relief. antidote faster effect in those who receive it in one to two hours after the bite. It can be fatal venom of black widow?
The poison can be fatal for people who already have raised health and for heart patients in otherwise healthy humans, the poison causes "only" extreme pain. Until bites at most occur in people who work in the field, because grip black widow, which are often located on plant leaves vinci or black widow gets them in the shoe. That's why recommend that summer, when the poison strongest in the fields, where often appear black widows, people wear protective gloves and high, closed footwear. vinci From Zadar hospital: Panic is counterproductive
In Zadar hospital, where black widows current maximum, they said that while fear is justified, because it is extremely pain, but argue that it is unnecessary panic. They tell is that several of those who are convinced that they bite black widow, but later turns out that this was not the case, as some of those a year, which really experience the bite of the black widow. They currently have available only one antidote, as it was in previous years, very few bites. Waiting lines into four doses from South America.
PHOTO: This cigarette is made from young stars

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