Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Elohell 703 area code is about the river - how many people, so many opinions. I

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Elohell 703 area code is about the river - how many people, so many opinions. I'm not going to prove anything to anyone - I will not discuss whether "hell" exists or not, I do not also want to leave it. The topic of today's article will be on the differences between the player from the top of the rankings, and bronze / silver. One often hears "I lost by noob team", "these people can not be wycarrować", "everywhere only retardy". There are also situations where the writing of such a player, he played bad, he says, "come 1v1 custom, I'll eat you easily". Here, the main difference between someone with a platinum / diamond, and the divisions below, plays a mentality and approach to the game. Players on the so-called. high elo do not give up so quickly and are more mentally endured.
Meet the Player 703 area code X. He is currently in Bronze 3 - he managed to knock out by fellow Gold 2, which, 703 area code for 2 bottles of Winnie, raised him to the heights of brown league. 703 area code After playing a few games, the player X is frustrated with the result 0:5. It comes so on to watch professional streamers. He sees there Chaoxa playing Ezreal. Our hero in his last competition also called Ezreal, but lost all matches. Player X's face can be seen incredible 703 area code focus, while trying to see the similarities between what he does Chaox, and what he would do in such a situation. His decisions are completely different than those visible on the screen, but our X knows that in a similar way further distributed each Q and W - at the end of three days he played in CSa, so that perfected hitting missiles, and the backyard has a nickname " Sniper ". As a result of the sudden 703 area code explosion of rage severely 703 area code hit the keyboard and the wall. Well I ********, in the ***** to ********! But also know how to play Ezreal as he did, but I am in elo hell, and he soon will have czelendżera!
Maybe the story is very exaggerated, but true. Many players believe that the ability of hitting skillshotami makes should have a diamond. Turn what should be characterized by a player aspiring to the blue frame up: mechanical skills - hitting skillshotami, 703 area code good response time, the ability to perform combo skills characteristic of the position (top, mid etd.) - Freezing, ganking, positioning the general skills - zoning, tower diving, leashing / pulling, kiting, attack move, warding, last hitting, map awareness general knowledge (all of the above concepts, knowledge of the mechanics of the game, at least basic knowledge of the damage inflicted by towers, by which the walls can be sflashować) and knowledge of the mechanics of each character (full skillset, weaknesses / strengths, item builds, power spikes, ways to counter the) knowledge (at least) basic tactics - invade routes, lane swaps, early push, push, etc. split the management team - team building, knowledge synergies and counterpicków lane matchups, developing 703 area code strategies for analyzing the situation, calling, Initiating a good mental attitude, good communication 703 area code skills, good knowledge of English (at least passive + key concepts and commands / shortcuts - Rush, brb, oom)
The list is quite long and it certainly is not it. Maybe build teams and some of the skills are not so necessary, but definitely useful. If you want to be an effective player on the soloQ, you should be able to play any position and complement your team. Limiting to one role not only it is a little boring, it reduces your options.
If you think you do not know at least some of these concepts - first complete your knowledge before you complain about poor team. Sources is weight - the resources of the site and the Internet, to the knowledge of individuals (which I hope it can help with the development of another). Questions you can ask in the comments under this entry.
Posted in Articles, Columns About the Author Maktel wonders about "how to live" for 17 years, while Lol interest in 2011. The incredibly high number of hours spent on the game, watching replays and reading texts of other gave a solid foundation to start your own career "writing". With How2win from

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