Friday, December 20, 2013

Use of this counterpicków about the river - everyone has an opinion. Some say that it just needs th

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Use of this counterpicków about the river - everyone has an opinion. Some say that it just needs the skills, others firmly believe in the effectiveness of the counter. If you want to join a discussion, first we invite cmi you to read the essay. Our general list can be found here, but today we would like to present you a list of counter Taken by Dyrusa in his Vlog.
Ignite is important and sustained damage (continuous, evenly distributed damage) - if it zburstujemy (we use a lot of damage, which, cmi however, will be long-renew), then activate your passive and he will not be able to kill it again. Here is doing great Lee Sin, who counters her in every way (damage, sustain, mobility, providing vision, CC), AD bruiserzy who can withstand her burst; Annie keeps her on the range and is able to zburstować built in AD is a huge threat and is able to easily win the line unless he can perform QW combo while the porch and is able to reject you from minions. It is best to choose a mobile topa of sustain, for example Irelia cmi 1v2 Strong lines, especially good against Singedowi. Top dominate it before it reaches 2 level (early gank will certainly be helpful). Hard to beat, has an amazing cmi sustain on the line. Rather, it should be set to the farm to mid game + you need to survive the burst. Irelia and Shen meet all criteria. Here the matter is quite simple - just select the Elise, which counters in all respects. It shines only after 6; early porches and characters with strong harass much it will weaken cmi - Rumble and Malphite is virtually indestructible on the line. The only chance to kill her, is AD bruiser with Doran, cmi who crush it on the first level. Particularly strong at level 7. Line Rumble survives cmi thanks to his shield which blocks damage well. Everything depends on the skill of the player (as in the case of Riven and Rumble), and other counters Kennen toperów distance. It should be especially careful of her aggressive play on the second level, especially if it is Doran - hits you tons of damage. It destroys Singed and jungler sitting on top. Copes well with him, Darius just any AD champ is especially good for melee characters, although it copes with Darius. Pretty good lines 1v2 Just Jax, Irelia excels cmi at Jayce (more on that here) inflicts great damage, cmi and the CC is deadly for the porch - you should avoid his combos. Well proadzi with it something mobile, best Contra on Jarvan is Vayne. Particularly strong cmi at level 6, has a good replacement. Kill him early, so as not to sfeedował. In addition to mentions Irelia, kill him also Rengar and Trynda. cmi It is a very tough opponent cmi on the line. Her harass and sustain above average are terrible for most melee toperów (but the reach of these as well). Her only weak point is the moment when the "E" cmi is on cooldown. The best kontrami him are sustain and AP dmg - Vlad and. Playing in an appropriate manner (which Dyrus says nothing more ...) but they can be overcome. Best not to allow the late game. He can just Farmi, without doing anything to anyone. The usual cut it off from the farm is inefficient, if still stacks on your Q. Much has lost its popularity. cmi Just to survive harass her with autoattacków, what will be helpful Doran destroys the vast majority of AD characters, but gets from APeków ie has only problems with ranged enemies like is able to kill anyone. One of the few who deal with him are doing is Lee Sin, and this is due to mobility, sustain, cmi major injuries and two skills that ignore his ulti. Simply spushować and do dive with jungler well deal with it Teemo, Rumble and Cassio. Undefeated makes every AD championowi problems, especially the melee rarely been seen on the top and has a very strong early, but hopelessly scales Strong against AD bruiserom; destroys Zeda has prob

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