Thursday, December 12, 2013

Start of gameplay does not differ ovi too much from the standard Ezreal. We try to wyfarmić our ite

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In season 2 of nowhere appeared Ezreal ovi - quite forgotten champion, who topped the popularity lists with the most op itemowi during this period, which is Trinity Force. This Ezreal hipercarry denied because of the incredible mobility and świetnemu early / mid game. Spore nerfy reduced his power, ovi further changes in season 3 made again be forgotten. The constant pushowanie not really serve him, plus he suffered from a poor exchange on the line. However, it is already past. Everything changed because of new build. It is quite unusual and may at first glance ovi seem hopeless. However, any changes his mind after this, as he will prove it. It combines the benefits and pleasure of playing AP Ezreal with the power of his AD version. Gameplay Blue Ezem based on continuous poke'u using our skills. The harder or shake your opponents before the fight, the better. The ultimate use of direct combat, then AA + Q, in the meantime, we change the position by E. Occasionally we throw in, but pilnujmy our mana bar. Masterki have to increase our damage, and endurance. Quite ordinary as ADc. These runes are necessary for the survival of the line you start with no potions. In case of problems with the farm can replace a single quinta AD. Ulti and Q be the first. Maximums is unprofitable unless the incredibly Buffie we want to attack speed. Expanding E get both more damage and lower cooldown. Build
With the right runes and masterkami will be able to survive the line with no problem. We will have a strong exchange and easy last hits. I would recommend compete with him on most opponents. Safer start, if you do not have healing supporta or Runek the lifesteal. Our most important ovi item. It gives us a built weakened redbuffa, which will be applied to each of our ability. Incredibly this will increase our damage (it can be applied to several objectives by ulti or W). Besides offering CDR, mana regeneration and life, easier last hits. As if that was not enough ovi we get even 45 AD, and it is all for 2000 gold. If this does not appeal to you, then I just want to inform you that the same statistics (excluding liabilities) are worth more than 3000 gold. We put it right after the Lizard, it offers us infinite mana and can spam skillami your heart's content. We buy the item if you can not bear harassu enemy, but personally I would recommend a pause. It is amazing in conjunction with the lizard, because it gives us limitless blue buff. Slow makes no one approached us, especially since we have our E. Spore amount of CDr and armor will allow us to effectively exchange with the enemy carry. This and the next item we can swap depending on the enemy team. We won the game, and opponents start to build on our armor? Nothing terrible. ovi Thanks to penetrate each Fold it after nastackowaniu tears - we have immediately improved ovi version. Do not forget to include assets in combat. Berserki not make sense, because we will stand far enough away that they will feel that AS. Mercury and Tabi are also not the best because of our amazing ovi range. In conjunction with the Lizard, ovi Icebornem, masterkami and these shoes have 38% cooldown reduction, which allows us to be getting out of Q at one and a half seconds. It is not op at all.
The last item If we feel with the focus, the enemies are a lot of hp and little do they? BotRK comes to our aid. If we lack the damage and we want to serve as a full-size carry. A compromise between the above two itemami. Increases the damage and sustain. Despite dasha and perma words enemies still kill us? QSS and forward. ovi
Start of gameplay does not differ ovi too much from the standard Ezreal. We try to wyfarmić our items as soon as possible, on the occasion of pesky opponent. With every item we become stronger. Our damage comes from accurately trafianego Q and autoattacków, although we try not to get too close. Ultimate imposes passivity of the Lizard, which will facilitate knocking enemies. We hurt him as the greatest number of enemies, like a W. Let's remember that Blue Ez is more a caster than a typical ADc, but his autoattacki also hurt if we can use them as often as possible.
Asking "

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