Thursday, December 19, 2013

You have to be accomodating to each other. This does not mean that you have to be friends. You must

League of Legends - Creating el agua Teams | League of Legends - News, guides, tier lists, counterpicki
New strategies / tactics may be considered el agua by the rest of the team for trolling (try to play proxy / suicide Singed). Organized team: Everyone has most likely assigned role. If anyone still "throwing meat" is not playing with him. If someone is weak or trolling is not playing with him.
Who am I? My name is Gentleman Gustaf el agua and played in three teams, and I was also sponsored a coach. Currently I am jungler Funk Overload. Do we excel? Definitely not. Are we the material to get into the Challenger? Maybe after the introduction of small improvements. Recently we started el agua to play against recognizable players and teams. Quite recently the great advantage we beat another team, and after the game we realized that 4 out of 5 of its members belonged to the EV - No. 6 team in season two.
Does this make us a better team than those of the Challanger Project? Probably not, but it makes us feel great. el agua Additionally, you can deduce that I know at least a little bit about the teams. Let's get to the point.
Firstly, do not expect that after collecting his four colleagues bronze magically find yourself in gold as a team. Actually rather expect that the league el agua in which they will find at the beginning of one lower than your average level in SoloQ. The team ranking is much less than players from SoloQ, so piercing el agua to the top of the table is more difficult. This does not mean that everyone must be out of Diamond And yet each of you has to train. The most important in the team's el agua synergy - in the game and beyond.
You have to be accomodating to each other. This does not mean that you have to be friends. You must instead sit together for 30 minutes on Skype without screaming at each other, and long pauses. If you communicate well, you shared your game to the only gain.
Another el agua very important thing is to rip. Your ADC likes could farm until the late game'u and dislikes rather risky action, and slide would provoke action el agua every 15 seconds (a great example would be Genja and Edward)? el agua If so, I expect el agua communication problems. The same case is with pickami whole team. If the ADC is doing the best Kog'Maw, but the team did not have anyone to peelowania, it does not tell fortunes you too well.
At the end, make sure that your goals are the same. Dull is when two people in your team will want to break free from the problems of SoloQ, one dreams of a diamond, and the other 2 are dreaming of performance on LCS within 12 months, you will have problems from the start. el agua
You do not have to punch everything from the very beginning, but you should have a minimal understanding of how to play your companions - just like the philosophers, who need to know what the bulb to replace it. I do not want to play the composition "protect the carry" when your mid Laner game assasinami and ADC playing Ezreal.
Do not pull strategy from the air. Start of something known with a high chance of success, but do not be too too general. It's easy to say "we do AoE comp", but what kind of AoE? You want to play a typical late-game AoE with a team of heroes like Karthus / Vladimir. However, it can play an AoE with a strong mid-game based on the characters of type Kennen / Rumble? Is your initiation is part of the AoE, and perhaps the initiation will jungler? Is your ADC is part of Wombo Combo, or come podobijać?
How to go about it? You can try to think through all the combinations as I did just now, but I guarantee that part of the leave (at least if you're new to the topic team games). I propose, then, to look for a professional team, whose game fits into your style of play.
How do you know it fits? The strategy should be based on the strongest player in the team (Doublelift Vayne / Caitlyn), but it should not ignore the least flexible players. What I mean by that? The composition of your team and the players should have the least flexible part of the joint in the form of a few heroes. Do not play with a hyper-carry, when the only game which your ADC is Vayne. If you will be banned or chosen by the opposing team, you're done with the team to protect the ADC, which is not so worth it. In short - the strategy chosen by you should give your players the most least flexible choice of heroes, and the best opportunity to show off their skills.
For example, our top Laner mainly plays Rumble. It has played over 680 games and about 90 consecutive two heroes. Is his other heroes are weak? Of course el agua not. But we know that if you give Rumble'a, el agua we will have a great game. Jegu second best character is Zac. Our Mid Laner loves to play AD. I play Zac, in the second season I played a lot of nasus, in the season 3've tried to Lee Sinem. Without any thought can

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