Tuesday, December 17, 2013

In early you can use a sphere in three different ways: - When pushujesz keep it in the bush to reve

Introduction Orianna has an amazing range of skills working area, you mighty shield, big slowdown, small cooldowns and what I like most - enhanced auto attack and the lack of good attacks on the hero.
In the initial phase of the game last hituj calmly. It is terribly easy, no fast attack animation and passive wzmacnający auto attack. From time to time the enemy harrasuj combination of Command: Attack + Command: Dissonance. Do not use it too much because Orianna at the beginning is a little manożerna. However, after winning the Chalice of Harmony figure does not wymanuje ever, so you need not even blue (come shortening cooldwonów always useful). After winning his harrasuj ccq enemy without interruption its basic combo (Q + W). When your opponent nailing a sufficient amount of life try to kill him by Command: Attack + Command: Dissonance + Command: Shockwave being careful somewhere Command: Protect, which has a little damage but still it asks. If you do not use a ball to check the bushes buy Sight Ward.
Before team fight or such "podchodami" try to poke'ować opponents with his Command: Attack + Command: Dissonance, once thrashing them a sufficient amount of health let someone initiates (as you can be you). The team fightach try to hit with Command: Attack + Command: Dissonance as many heroes in the opposing team. When the cooldown on wszyskto pass do it as before and put in Command: Shockwave. It will kill the enemy Ad Carry immediately. Your Command: Protect inflicts little damage, but it gives you a powerful shield that you can throw on your Ad Carry, or someone who needs any. This ability has the greatest reach among her spells, so you should have no problem with it. However, when a lot of enemies will throw up on you, use a combination of Command: Protect + Command: Shockwave. Ulti then work around you. Balancing a ball
In early you can use a sphere in three different ways: - When pushujesz keep it in the bush to reveal approaching enemies. - When you try to keep your opponent could farm out a ball as far as possible in the front, in order to frighten the enemy. - When you're harrasowany keep it with you as it gives you extra armor and resists. In the first two cases, try not to lose distance, because you'll have to throw it again losing mana and allowing the opponent to take a break.
In late game also has a pair of applications. - Doing dragon or baron try at the beginning do not use a ball to inflict damage to Baron, but release it somewhere far away in the bushes for you to shield. You can throw her back baron to prevent ccq ukradnięciu or in the bushes on the river, to prevent the rapid initiation. - Quick cleaning of large waves minions. - AoE acceleration / slowdown. Counters
Karthus - Character that SHOULD defeat in early. Your skills have a greater range than his, so play him Harras. Make Athene's Unholy Grail, so as not to wymanować. Annie - Same as above. Just keep it at bay, so she can not reach you and zburstować. Diana - The only figure capable napsuć blood. Try to build health and resists such as Abyssal Scepter or Rylai's Crystal Scepter LeBlanc - LB this character is not useful in fighting team but at the beginning you will have a hard time. Build as above health and resists to survive her combo. Veigar - A character who at 6 level can kill you instantly. Try not to get caught in his stun. When it is on the 6th level and has mana, and you do not get half of his life to him because he is able to place kill you. In the final phase of the game stay away from him.
Items that are important to Oriannie and which can be made situationally Rabadon's Deathcap - Mandatory choice for any Ap Carry. I add a lot of Ap which goes hand in hand with the Abyssal Scepter damage while - Some Ap, some Survi. Item useful in the team Athene's Unholy Grail - Item whereby never wymanujesz, and as that Orianna is a hero for spamming this item very useful. Rylai's Crystal Scepter - Item that you can build early. It is the location of item. Build it on the characters that I mentioned earlier and the heroes who use the combo Guardian Angel - The subject matter which you do not have to build. A better equivalent is Zhonya's ccq Hourglass, but if you're terribly with the focus can buy both of these items come not recommend such a solution. Zhonya's Hourglass - the use of these warnings

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