Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Much bigger DMG on Q? o_O as if there are ad ratios. Here the idea is that you stand out extremely

AP Ez is OP and is very strong in AP, in early enough good harass with Q (replaces aa which is weak when we play the ap), then a big burst of W, E, R, the only thing missing is a stun / snare. Penta: Katarina 2x (1x ranked), Twitch, AP Gangplank, AD Sion, Jax (- all normale -) League of Legends (EU Nordic & East) - Laurecoran (EU West) - DarkRazor DotA 2 - darkhitsugaya Smit - darkhitsugaya http :/ / www.leaguereplays.com/replays/match/2348659/ Penta Kill Kata in my performance
ap Ezreal is good but unfortunately the lack of skills garen build to pushowania garen build makes the characters against type ori etc has big problems
(08-03-2013 20:00) Archonek wrote (a): AP Tristana garen build and AP Varus much better suited especially well-built AP Varus vs tanky meta Not, AP Varus fully relies on AA. Yes, the damage is able to pull in late unearthly, but unfortunately it looks great on paper, in practice, the average check. It is too easy to turn it off in the TF.
http://www.newsoflegends.com/index.php/r...sive-5324/ not believe my ap ... Channel: garen build http://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1A54LKj...rid&view=0 seen Subscriptions nice because I add regularly new videos :)
I have the feeling that the initial intention was to be Ez trap, but it turned out otherwise. In the end, all his skills scaled with AP. I burst with all the skill is also probably better than half the generally accepted APc.
(26-03-2013 3:29) Tłumnik46 wrote (a): I burst with all the skill is also probably better than half the generally accepted APc. Nope. Combo inoculating loops: 1290 +2.65 ap. But but loses ult damage with each hit by objective, garen build and blink is randomowy. Well, it escape them. Backero wrote (a): Pathetic would fapanie to championek jokes that no one (I think) does not. NoKamilo wrote (a): Do fapanie to rule34 of LoLa it is pathetic? : D
Before a moment of thought to the AP Ezem on Arami, dude insisted that here is much better than the Blue Build, speech ok, we'll see. Already on FB flew tripple, actually it's almost penta. And in total, nicely mowed by inch gre (that lasted just under 20 minutes), and only had time to build what is a tear / Sheena / Rabadona, and the guy had finished with statami 14/03/19. Also AP Ez is very strong, can not finish at the Farmers Rift, but it is. The whole truth about the forum:
I have a question for the build, I played experimentally garen build Sorci, Athene, rabadon, dfg, needles and lichbane (lichbane last item as soon as possible because I wanted to reach 40% cdr) and I do not know whether playing ezem rush'ujemy ap lichbane or better but in cdr?
Lively wrote (a): Before garen build the moment of AP Ezem played on Arami, dude insisted that here is much better than the Blue Build, speech ok, we'll see. Already garen build on FB flew tripple, garen build actually it's almost penta. And in total, nicely mowed by inch gre (that lasted just under 20 minutes), and only had time to build what is a tear / Sheena / Rabadona, and the guy had finished with statami 14/03/19. Also AP Ez is very strong, can not finish at the Farmers Rift, but it is. For Aram I think it ez tier 1, does there mega rozpierdol.
It depends how you are going to Blue Build it sometimes round can last so briefly that you do not place even a single liability shall under Q, the standard build on ADC's garen build even worse for the AP is already at the start Not bad punishment. The whole truth about the forum: garen build
Do ap ez is not too big on the CD TO PLAY UNDER ap? For this to do the same thing in the DMG is not enough, so as to kill someone we usually have to use E = we do not have ESC. Pentakill: Orianna Quadrakill: Zyra 3x, 2x fiddlestick, 2x Lee sin, Syndr, 2x Vladimir, Twitch, 3x Vayne, Teemo, 3x Kog 'Maw (29-03-2013 12:48) Loki wrote (a): important that topka It is therefore played op
Much bigger DMG on Q? o_O as if there are ad ratios. Here the idea is that you stand out extremely far and paper taking 1/3 hp every 1.5 seconds. Pentakill: Orianna Quadrakill: Zyra 3x, 2x fiddlestick, 2x Lee sin, Syndr, 2x Vladimir, garen build Twitch, 3x Vayne, Teemo, 3x Kog 'Maw (29-03-2013 12:48) Loki wrote (a): important that topka It is therefore played op
(27-05-2013 garen build 22:09) ziomaszxd wrote (a): A lot more DMG on Q? o_O as if there are ad ratios. Here the idea is that you stand out extremely far and paper taking 1/3 hp every 1.5 seconds. q Applies he hits. generally a lack of priority ap ezowi E champions, and a total of as much. Maybe if they still fell back nerfów 59347 W. MILEY, THE MACHINE TWERKING
(27-05-2013 22:09) ziomaszxd garen build wrote (a): A lot more DMG on Q? o_O as if there are ad ratios. And what took him AP resolvers? Quote: Here the idea is that you stand out extremely far and paper taking 1/3 hp every 1.5 seconds. yes, of course ...
AP EZ Early - hard to kill someone, yourself fall easily, you need to focus on the farm from time to time with the snap opponent after 6 you can try to catch frags. Mid - as we had a good farm in the early / caught the feed is probably we Rabadon and Lich Bane, so it is not bad but also not a mega own Late - here is simply magic AP inoculating loops, you need a well-hit ulti,

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